Peer-Reviewed Articles
Light-fueled transformations of a dynamic cage-based molecular system
M. Ovalle, M. Kathan,* R. Toyoda, C. N. Stindt, S. Crespi, B. L. Feringa*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e2022144

The Influence of Strain on the Rotation of an Artificial Molecular Motor
M. Kathan,* S. Crespi, A. Troncossi, C. N. Stindt, R. Toyoda, B. L. Feringa*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202205801.

Light-driven molecular motors embedded in covalent organic frameworks
S. Stähler, L. Grunenberg, M. W. Terban, W. R. Browne, D. Doellerer, M. Kathan, M. Etter, B. V Lotsch,* B. L. Feringa,* S. Krause*
Chem. Sci. 2022, 8253–8264

A light-fueled nanoratchet shifts a coupled chemical equilibrium
M. Kathan,* S. Crespi, N. O. Thiel, D. L. Stares, D. Morsa, J. de Boer, G. Pacella, T. van den Enk, P. Kobauri, G. Portale, C. A. Schalley,* B. L. Feringa*
Nat. Nanotech. 2022, 17, 159–165.

Imine-based dynamic polymer networks as photoprogrammable amine sensing devices
M. Kathan,† C. Jurissek,† P. Kovaříček,* S. Hecht*
J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2019, 2378–2382.

External Reversal of Chirality Transfer in Photoswitches
C. Jurissek, F. Berger, F. Eisenreich, M. Kathan, S. Hecht*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1945–1949.

Light-driven molecular trap enables bidirectional manipulation of dynamic covalent systems
M. Kathan,† F. Eisenreich,† C. Jurissek, A. Dallmann, J. Gurke, S. Hecht*
Nat. Chem. 2018, 10, 1031–1036.
Highlight in: Krämer, K. “Red–blue light switch pushes equilibrium both ways” Chemistry World 2018. “Light-controlled molecules: Scientists develop new recycling strategy”, August 2018.
Radio interview with B. Wenz in: „Kampf dem Plastik: Sind die Meere noch zu retten?" SWR2 Wissen April 2019.
Radio interview in "Die Profis" with S. Karkowsky: „Ein neu entdecktes Molekül zum Plastikrecycling“, RadioEins August 2018.

A photoswitchable catalyst system for remote-control (co)polymerisation in-situ
F. Eisenreich,† M. Kathan,† A. Dallmann, S. P. Ihrig, T. Schwaar, B. M. Schmidt, S. Hecht*
Nat. Catal. 2018, 1, 516–522.
Cover and highlight in: P. K. Kuroishi, A. P. Dove: “On like a light” Nat. Catal. 2018, 1, 486–487; M. N. Riffel, Z. C. Hern, P. L. Diaconescu: “A photoswitchable organocatalyst controls trimethylene carbonate and δ-valerolactone copolymerization”, Science Bulletin 2018, 63, 1460–1461.
“Photocatalyst system for plastics production”, Mai 2018.
Radio interview with C. Schruff: „Ein Forscherteam der Humboldt-Universität entwickelt recyclebare Kunststoffe“, kulturradiorbb July 2018.

Photoswitchable molecules as key ingredients to drive systems away from global thermodynamic minimum
M. Kathan, S. Hecht*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2017, 46, 5536–5550
Backcover of special edition “Chemical systems out of equilibrium”.

Control of Imine Exchange Kinetics with Photoswitches to Modulate Self-Healing in Polysiloxane Networks by Light Illumination
M. Kathan,† P. Kovaříček,† C. Jurissek, A. Senf, A. Dallmann, A. F. Thünemann, S. Hecht*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 13882–13886..
Inner backcover and highlight in: „Photoschalter modulieren Selbstheilung” Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2016, 64, 1143.

Syntheses and Properties of Multiferrocenylated Corannulenes
B. Topolinski, B. M. Schmidt, S. Schwagerus, M. Kathan, D. Lentz*
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 31, 5391–5405.

Helicene Quinones: Redox-Triggered Chiroptical Switching and Chiral Recognition of the Semiquinone Radical Anion Lithium Salt by ENDOR Spectroscopy
D. Schweinfurth, M. Zalibera, M. Kathan, C. Shen, M. Mazzolini, N. Trapp, J. Crassous, G. Gescheidt,* F. Diederich*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 13045–13052.
Highlight in: T. M. Swager, S. P. Luppino: “Synthetic Strategy Toward Enantiopure Helicene Quinones” Synfacts 2014, 10, 1157.

Corannulenylferrocenes: Towards a 1D, Non-covalent Metal-organic Nanowire
B. Topolinski, B. M. Schmidt, M. Kathan, S. I. Troyanov, D. Lentz*
Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 6298–6300.