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Anni joins the group, again!

After spending a semester in Uppsala with the fantastic Stefano Crespi, Anni decided to return back to Berlin and to do her master’s thesis in our group. Welcome back Anni!


Bob and Leon join the group

We are thrilled to welcome two new members to our team: Bob and Leon. They will be joining us as they work on their bachelor’s theses.


Mira joins the group

After travelling the world, Mira decided to come back to Berlin and join the KathanLab – we are very fortunate to have such a fantastic new member in our team!


Saraa and Felix defend their bachelor’s thesis

The first bachelor’s theses in the KathanLab were successfully defended by Saraa and Felix. Great work, we are very proud of you!


It is official: Micha is a fellow of the Emmy Noether Programme

Unbelievable, the KathanLab will be generously supported by DFG for the next six years. What an honor and only possible because of the great people in the lab.


Artificial Molecular Switches and Motors GRC

Joining Robert on his first conference abroad: the artificial molecular switches and motors GRC in New London/NH including lobster dinner and a short trip to NYC.


Tommy joins the group

A wild Tommy appears and decided to stay for his next academic evolution. A big welcome to Tommy, we are extremely happy to have you in the KathanLab!


Saraa and Felix join the group

Two fantastic students decided to do their bachelor’s thesis in our group. We are excited to welcome Saraa and Felix in the KathanLab.


Anni joins the group

Woohoo, Anni is the first student who decided to join the KathanLab and we are very proud to have you in the group!


Robert joins the group

We are super happy and proud that Robert came all the way from the Netherlands to join the KathanLab. Hartelijk welkom Robert!


Mach-5 Conference

What is better than meeting friends and talk about molecular machines? Meeting friends and talk about molecular machines in a castle!


Telluride Workshop on Molecular Rotors, Motors and Switches

Joining my first conference as an independent researcher in Telluride/CO – great science and fantastic scenery.